Programming & Software
The TDFM-9000 radio offers Project 25 Analog/Digital/Encrypted/Multi-band AM/FM radio transceivers capable of meeting your most demanding operating requirements in both Phase I (FDMA) and Phase II (TDMA) modes. The TDFM-9000 Series consists of multiple models which are configurable to meet each user’s specific requirement. Each model is Dzus panel mount and each unit is completely self-contained (no remote mount box).
TDFM-9000 Series Software Release V2.9.1
This SW (software) upgrade is for the TDFM-9000 radios.
This field software upgrade package comprises of the following parts:
1 – Main MCU SW V2.9.1 (All radios)
2 – APX interface SW (JM 60) V2.9.1 (All radios)
3 – Analog interface SW (JM 60) V1.3.0 (TDFM-9200 & 9300 only)
4 – VHF Lo Band RF Module SW TLU9 (TDFM-9200 & 9300 only)
5. VHF AM RF Module SW TAU3 (TDFM-9200 & 9300 only)
6. UHF AM RF module SW TMU1C (TDFM-9200 & 9300 only)
7. T6 Multiband RF module V2.0.0 (9300 only)
Upgrade instructions and factory documents are included in the SW bundle for returning units to service after the upgrades are complete. See the software release notes for specifics.
To download the latest TDFM-9000 Software Update Click Here.
TDFM-9300 Series
The TDFM-9300 is similar to the TDFM-9000 except that, instead of supporting six RF modules, the TDFM-9300 supports up to four P25 All-Band modules, PLUS one analog module. The available analog modules are:
VHF Lo (30 to 50 MHz),
VHF/AM 118 to 136 MHz (aeronautical band),
UHF/AM 225 to 400 MHz (military band)
T6/All Band Analog Capabilities include:
- Low Band – 30-50MHz FM
- VOR Voice 107-117.9MHz AM
- ATC 118-156MHz AM
- UHF 225-400MHz AM
teraterm programming software v4.75:
From time to time it may be necessary to update the operational software for the TDFM-9000 series of radios. Below you will find a link to download “TeraTerm”, This is a terminal emulator program utilized to access the Virtual Serial Port Technisonic employs to access and update the TDFM-9000 core firmware. Additionally you will find a link to the “TDFM-9000 Series Software Upgrade Procedure” . This document describes in detail the procedure to load new software into the TDFM-9000 series radios. There are several pieces of SW that need to be loaded when upgrading which are always included in any software release. All TDFM-9000 series radios are field upgradeable and only requires a PC, Programming cable and terminal software to load the FW.

Contact Us
240 Traders Blvd
Mississauga ON Canada
L47 1W7
(905) 890-2113
(905) 890-5338
Dir. Federal / Military/ OEM Sales & Programs
Jim Huddock / (612) 231-9020